The Advance kit for Arduino Mega also known as Most Complete Starter Kit MEGA 2560 PROJECT as it includes various sensors, electronic components, modules, and Stepper Motors for complex, advanced learning, and prototyping. All components and Modules enclosed in a High-Quality plastic box with a widget for each sensor to keep them organized for repetitive use.
Whether you are a beginner or already have experience with Arduino under your belt, This Arduino beginners kit by HALLROADPRO.COM will be a fun way to expand your knowledge.
This Advance kit for Arduino Mega includes everything you need to get started with electronics using an Arduino and a lot of things that will take you from a beginner to an enthusiast. It includes all of the basics: a MEGA board, breadboard, cables, LEDs, resistors, and pushbutton switches.
Specification of Arduino Mega 2560 Stater Kit Learning Kit:
- All-in-one kit, a great starter kit for learning to code.
- Great for Starting with Arduino Programming
- A variety of components are included in this pack to try out different projects.
- The kit comes with quality components assured by
- Documentation By Hallroadpro.
- Mega Specs:
- Model Type:Â Arduino UNO (DIP)
- Model:Â Arduino Mega 2560 R3 CH340
- Microcontroller:Â ATmega2560
- Operating Voltage:Â 5V
- Input Voltage (recommended):Â 7-12V
- Input Voltage (limits):Â 6-20V
- Digital I/O Pins:Â 54 (of which 15 provide PWM output)
- Analog Input Pins:Â 16
- DC Current per I/O Pin:Â 40 mA
- DC Current for 3.3V Pin:Â 50 mA
- Flash Memory:Â 256 KB of which 8 KB used by the bootloader
- Clock Speed:Â 16 MHz
Package Include:
- 1pcs Mega2560 R3
- 1pcs MEGA 2560 R3 Proto Shield V3
- 1pcs 830 Tie Point Breadboard
- 1pcs 65 Male to Male Jumper Wire
- 20pcs 15cm Male to Female DuPont Wire
- 1pcs USB Cable
- 1pcs 9V Battery Clip
- 1pcs 9V 1A Power Supply
- 20pcs 220 Ω resistor
- 10pcs 1KΩ resistor
- 10pcs 10KΩ resistor
- 2pcs SS12D00G3 Switch
- 1pcs Power Supply Module for Breadboard
- 4pcs 5mm Green LED
- 4pcs 5mm Yellow LED
- 4pcs 5mm Blue LED
- 8pcs 5mm Red LED
- 2pcs 74HC595 IC
- 8pcs 6x6x5mm Button
- 1pcs 5mm RGB LED
- 1pcs 5V Active Buzzer
- 1pcs 16R Passive Buzzer
- 2pcs S8050 NPN Transistor
- 2pcs S8550 PNP Transistor
- 2pcs SW520D Tilt Switch
- 1pcs 7-segment Display
- 2pcs GL5528 Photo resistor
- 1pcs 5V Relay Module
- 4pcs 1N4007 Diode
- 4pcs 1N4148 Diode
- 1pcs 4-bit 7 Segment LED
- 1pcs SG90 9g servo
- 1pcs DC Motor
- 1pcs L9110 DC Motor Driver IC
- 1pcs Fan
- 1pcs Stepper Motor
- 1pcs ULN2003 Stepper Motor Driver
- 1pcs PIR Motion Sensor
- 1pcs 1602 LCD
- 2pcs 10K potentiometer
- 1pcs 502 5K Thermistor
- 1pcs DHT11 Temp & Humi Sensor
- 1pcs Joystick Module
- 1pcs HC-SR04 Ultrasonic Sensor
- 1pcs HX1838 IR Receiver
- 1pcs 21 keys Remote Controller
- 1pcs 10 segment LED
- 1pcs 4×4 Matrix Keyboard
- 1pcs RTC Module
- 1pcs Water Lever Sensor
- 1pcs Sound Sensor Module
- 1pcs MAX7219 8×8 LED Module
- 1pcs NE555 Timer
- 10pcs Ceramic Capacitor(104 100nf)
- 2pcs 10uF Electrolytic Capacitor
- 1pcs MPU-6050 Module
- 1pcs Rotary Encoder Module
- 1pcs ESP8266 Module
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